Alternateth: A ‘Friendly Fork’ of the Ethereum Blockchain

Coinbase Announces Push Notifications for Price Fluctuations

Coinbase Launches Mobile Push Alerts for Crypto Price Swings

Contentos Announces Listing on Binance DEX

IOTA recovers from early losses as a blueprint for Coordicide update is unveiled

What’s Next in Blockchain? Ask This Teenage Engineer

Facebook’s ambitious cryptocurrency plan is met by a wall of regulatory and data concerns

Why Libra is the most ambitious crypto effort we’ve seen to date

New tokens thrive in crypto market but sales raise questions

Explainer: Initial Exchange Offerings Flourish in Crypto Market

Chinese Tech Moguls: Regulation is Crypto’s Chief Hurdle

Blockchain lawyer Celine Moille says being a woman is ‘no obstacle’ in this space

The Real Reason for Facebook’s New Cryptocurrency

8 Facebook Libra Facts That You May Not Know

Canadian cryptocurrency founder transferred customers’ money to his own accounts: report

Facebook launches a new cryptocurrency called Libra

Global regulators and politicians react to Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency initiative

Ripple CEO: Facebook Libra Cryptocurrency Push Makes Me Happy

Fintech CEO claims Facebook ‘ripped off’ his bank start-up’s logo for cryptocurrency project

New IOTA Partnership Takes on Food Allergies, but Adoption Struggles

Facebook’s Libra Gambit Forces Washington’s Hand on Crypto Policy

A Florida city paid a $600,000 bitcoin ransom to hackers who took over its computers — and it’s a massive alarm bell for the rest of the US

Bitcoin Price Rally Stalls as Open Futures Hit Record Highs

Facebook’s Libra Wanders Into the Bitcoin Bear Trap

Iota Retains Emerging Markets Consulting, LLC for Investor/Public Relations Services

Facebook’s cryptocurrency faced with regulatory warnings from global central bankers

A Florida city paid a $600k Bitcoin ransom to hackers who took over its computers — and it’s a massive alarm bell for the rest of the US Lists Komodo’s KMD, ARK, and Waltonchain’s WTC

Unlocking The Crypto Puzzle- Part 10 — DAG and the future of Blockchain

Forget Facebook’s Cryptocurrency Play Libra and Buy Square (SQ) Stock?